All of our services are free, confidential and bilingual. To request an appointment, fill out the client form HERE.
The Alberta Legal Information Centre team is available to assist you in person or remotely at our Calgary or Edmonton from 9 to 5, Monday to Friday, to offer you :

in-person meetings

A legal information officer is available by appointment to meet with you during business hours, take the time to understand your situation and provide you with the appropriate legal information. To request an appointment, fill out the client form HERE.

telephone or email consultation

You can also meet with a legal services agent by telephone, at a toll-free number, or by email. To request an appointment, fill out the client form HERE.

Notary Public and Commissioner for Oaths services

If you have documents that need to be witnessed under oath (such as affidavits, testimonies for a hearing, proxies) a commissioner for oaths and notary public is available by appointment to provide you with this free service. To request an appointment, fill out the client form HERE.

referral to a bilingual francophone lawyer

We can refer you to a bilingual lawyer whose practice is near your place of residence and whose specialization corresponds to your needs. To request an appointment, fill out the client form HERE.

referral to organizations in Alberta that can help you

Our knowledge of the legal issues in Alberta allows us to direct you to resources related to your situation, be it a legal aid, administrative tribunal or any community organization-related matter. To request an appointment, fill out the client form HERE.

workshops and information sessions on various law-related topics

If you wish to attend a workshop in French related to the objectives of your organization or the interests of close relatives, gather a group of at least seven persons and advise us of your legal interests. We can travel to deliver the information session requested.

legal information brochures, resources and tools in French

We are constantly updating and improving various brochures, booklets and online tools to increase the legal knowledge of the francophone community in Alberta. For legal information in English, please visit the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta.

computer resources to facilitate your research

Does the legal issue you are dealing with require research time? Several self-serve computers as well as a fax machine, printer and scanner are available for use during business hours.

No eligibility criteria; all Alberta residents can benefit from services of the Centre, regardless of income or nature of their legal issue. Our team is there to assist you in person or remotely (via courier, email, fax or toll-free telephone) during business hours.

PLEASE NOTE: The legal information provided by the Alberta Legal Information Centre does not constitute legal advice or counsel.